Age of Jura - Release Notes - 0.1.0

0.1.0 - January 16th, 2022

Build ID: 8030450

  • First playable release
  • User profiles (each user can create it's own profile)
  • 4 Playable worlds
  • Objectives to complete (building structures, reaching a certain population, harvesting a certain amount of resources, and eventually eliminating all animals)
  • Structures ( Storage / Fire Pit / Hut / Weapon Maker / Smelter / Tannery / Knowledge Hut / Meditation Cloth / Training Camp )
  • Resources / Produce ( Tree = Wood / Stone Mine = Stone / Iron Ore Mine = Iron Ore / Coal Mine = Coal / Mushroom = Food / Fishing Spot = Food / Meat = Food )
  • Smelting Iron Ore + Coal into Iron Bars (that can be used for further Research or building structures)
  • 4 type of Units that you can create and control (Villagers / Spear Throwers / Warriors / Archers )
  • Villagers automatically pick up nearby items that lay on the ground, to bring it to a nearby storage, then walk back to the original spot, and have a look if there is more on the ground.
  • 4 types of Animals (Compsognathus, Oviraptor, Troodon, Dilophosaurus)
  • Research ( Fire Pit to heal units / Archery / Warriors / Unit Speed / Population / Smelting )
  • Gathering 'Knowledge Points' (for Research) through meditation (needs units on meditation cloths, near a Knowledge Hut )
  • A mini-map
  • In-game background music

All release notes